#1 Low self-confidence
Why do you think you have low self-confidence?
Honestly? I'm not so sure why. Most of the time I'm contented with who I am but when I deal with other people or do my tasks, I suddenly find myself falling short of what I expect others expect of myself. OMG, there it is. I measure myself through other people. I guess I've always known this at the back of my head but it really is something else when the words are staring you in the face.
Why do you want to change this trait?
Why would I not want to change it? Why would ANYBODY not want to change it? It is self-destructive when I come to think of it. It makes me dislike myself and then it makes me dislike other people and then those people will dislike me. And that is a really big problem.
What is one baby step you can do today to change this?
Uhm. Stop measuring up to other people. Focus on my own good traits and use this in dealing with others and with my tasks. I will put it in my head today that I am a unique individual. Maybe similar to others but different in totality. I am not better than others and I am definitely not worse.
#2 Under-motivated and unfocused
Why do you think you are under-motivated and unfocused?
I am under-motivated because I am unfocused. And I am unfocused because I have not set my priorities straight.
Why do you want to change this trait?
Because I want to have a sense of purpose in my life. Right now I'm waiting for my licensure exam test results and I have no job. Sometimes it's great having to chill and relax but other times it's disturbing to be doing nothing all day. Don't get me wrong, I do other stuff like chores at home, visit friends and read lots of books but it gets tiresome and has little sense of fulfillment.
What is one baby step you can do today to change this?
I will write down a career path. More of a guideline on what I would do under certain circumstances rather than a step-by-step to do list.
#3 Being too passive.
Why do you think you are being too passive?
It has something to do with my being under-motivated. There is a lack of desire, of a driving force, or of a sense of direction. I have to be told what to do before I do it.
Why do you want to change this trait?
It makes me become lazy, stagnant and unproductive. I become disappointed in myself thus feeding my lack of self-confidence. It also makes other people disappointed in me and that is another serious blow to my self-esteem.
What is one baby step you can do today to change this?
Each day, starting today, I will do a minimum of 3 tasks (other than the usual activities of daily living) that no one told me to do. It must be out of my own initiative. These tasks could be big or small but it has to benefit at least one person.
Day 2 Reflection:
I have unearthed a lot of things about myself while accomplishing today's task. Some even took me by surprise. I was a little hesitant to do this 30 day challenge at first but now that I have started and have been moving on to day 2, I can feel that it really helps talking (or more appropriately, typing) about these things that are rarely tackled even with oneself.